Breaking Free from Bitterness

Breaking Free from Bitterness by Bishop Edward Brink

Bitterness is a destructive emotion that can eat away at us if we allow it to take root in our hearts. It is characterized by an unforgiving spirit, negative attitudes, and critical thoughts. When we harbor offenses, nurture disappointments, and let resentment grow, bitterness takes hold. But there is hope! In this lesson, we will explore what the Bible says about bitterness and how we can deal with it in our lives.

Breaking Free from Bitterness – Find Healing and Restoration:

  1. The Destructive Nature of Bitterness

Bitterness is like a bottled-up feeling that can eventually cause us to explode externally or implode spiritually. It is harmful to us and those around us. Galatians 5:19-20 reminds us of the destructive nature of bitterness: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness… hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies.”

Furthermore, bitterness doesn’t just affect us; it can spread to others. Hebrews 12:15 warns us, “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Our bitterness can contaminate the lives of those around us if we allow it to persist.

  1. The Impact of Bitterness on Communication

Bitterness also affects how we communicate. Romans 3:14 describes the mouths of unrighteous people as being filled with “cursing and bitterness.” When bitterness takes hold of our hearts, it often manifests in negative and critical speech. We must be aware of how our bitterness can affect our interactions with others and strive to speak with love and kindness instead.

  1. Recognizing Bitterness as Sin

Bitterness is not just an unpleasant feeling; it is also a sin. In Acts 8:20-23, Peter confronted a man named Simon who had a heart full of bitterness and told him to repent of his wickedness. If we allow bitterness to take root in our hearts, it can lead us astray and hinder our relationship with God.

  1. Steps to Overcome Bitterness

a. Identify the Cause:

To deal with bitterness effectively, we must first identify the root cause. Reflect on the event, circumstance, disappointment, or relationship that planted the seed of bitterness in your heart. Understanding the source can help you address it properly.

b. Repentance and Forgiveness:

Repent of your bitterness and ask for God’s forgiveness. Acknowledge any unforgiveness, anger, or resentment that contributed to your bitterness and seek God’s cleansing and healing. Additionally, extend forgiveness to those who have hurt or failed you, even if they haven’t asked for it. Ephesians 4:31-32 instructs us to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

c. Seek Reconciliation:

If your bitterness has affected others, seek reconciliation by asking for their forgiveness. This step is crucial in restoring relationships and healing the wounds caused by bitterness.

d. Cultivate Kindness and Compassion:

As you work through bitterness, strive to replace it with kindness and compassion. Treat others with love and forgiveness, just as Christ forgave us.

Breaking Free from Bitterness


Bitterness is a destructive emotion that can harm us and those around us. By recognizing its impact, acknowledging it as sin, and taking steps to overcome it through repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, we can find freedom from its grip. Let us choose to cultivate kindness and compassion in our hearts, relying on God’s grace to heal our wounds and restore our relationships.

Breaking Free from Bitterness
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